The bibliography in CALD
Most documents encoded in CALD were previously edited in scientific books or articles. One may search for these editions in the “Bibliography” provided in the database. References to an edition in the List of documents published in CALD give a short key: the authors’ name and year of publication.
The database distinguishes four types of references in connection to every previously studied document: edition, translation, study, and catalogue description. The search for authors or publications (by title) is an integral part of both search-queries of CALD (“manuscript and textual item” and “Arabic text and sequence unities”). One may search by any of the aforementioned four types of bibliographical reference in combination with other criteria.
Further reading
A preliminary bibliography on Islamic legal documents and their editions was prepared by the ILM-project (2009-2013), see here.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Christian Müller (May 30, 2021). The bibliography in CALD. The Documents of Islamic Law in History. Studies on Arabic Legal Documents. Retrieved September 10, 2024 from